
Questions of life loom large when you find yourself in a galaxy far, far away. Spun off into a parallel universe. “Traveling through hyperspace” certainly “ain’t like dusting crops, farm boy.” (Han Solo). People of many cultures have charted the heavens by the stars, looked for meaning, foreordination, inspiration and a sense of the divine. Overawed by cosmic magnitude; a recognition of place, and humility in the orbits of ego, and constellations of universal wonder.

Cancer, Taurus, Aries or Vertigo, signs predicting future. Astrologists purporting to explain character and destiny, plotting fortuitous direction. Astronomists studying celestial objects, creating calendars, mapping out time, predicting events, explaining meaning and extrapolating our being.

Beneath these cosmic energy engines an unconscious disconnect between the eternal and ephemeral grows. Time passing at lightspeed, interactions counted in milliseconds, telescopic relationships on the space time continuum. An absence of context to thought, experience and opportunity. An incessant desire for immediate solutions, satisfaction and an anesthetised existence. Darkness driven out. Supernova delayed, denied. A form of light pollution, an inadvertent illumination of the atmosphere, blinding our earthly view of universal connection to a divine humanity. Depositing space junk into hearts, minds and souls, sending luminescent energy skywards obstructing our starry vista. Disrupting human and divine ecosystems.

The formation of a star begins with gravitational instability. The shaping of self continues with real time, raw instability. On a planet far, far away. In an unknown galaxy. A drawing down into darkness.  A re-evaluation of core fusion and personal axis. Acceptance of black holes and deep spaces. A fertile orbit for stellar evolution. Molecular messages of doubt compete with illuminating messages of resurrection; magnifying hope and opportunity. “Remember: Your focus determines your reality.” (Qui-Gon Jinn). Darkness turning light.

In that place where microscopic bits that matter are confronted and evaluated, cosmic metamorphosis occurs. Laying claim to transformation and light. Where in this darkness insecurities wane and vitality waxes. Transforming vulnerability, working for good. Moving the magnitude of brightness and clarity from 3 to 2 and 2 to 1. It is the darkest nights that produce the brightest stars. “Be mindful of your thoughts Anakin.” (Obi-Wan)