
The excitement is electric in a sporting match when a goal is kicked or crucial point or run is scored. There’s a visceral frenzy in the moment, an identity with success and optimism invested in what’s to come. Energy is recharged as the intangible manifests into reality. We believe, identify, support and confirm value in the sweat, pain, progress and ultimate end goal. Momentum is achieved, investment solidified, sweetness celebrated.

There’s no guaranteed outcome to positive progress. No automatic equation for an overarching victory. There’s identification of achievement, some form of landing at, or progress towards a short or longer term goal. A reinforcement of the road towards securing a win. An inner chord struck confirming potential of self, the reality of the goal and relevance of the road. The abstract or obscure materializes. Confirmation fuels conviction, shaping self-belief and sharpening skill. Impetus for ongoing vision and execution.

Rumbling beneath joy, simmer the emotions of progress and milestone malaise. Expelling the pain of accomplishment. Relinquishing the angst of the impossible. Weeping with the ‘I can’. Exhaling the recognition of attainment. Yielding to the hope of the sustainable. Applauding arrival.

Milestones bring forth celebration of humanity and its deepest connections to the source of possibility, wholeness and life sustaining accomplishment . A brief communion of triumph over human frailty as we reflect further the image which finds it’s completeness in the source of all victory and in the fullness of what’s whole. A divine DNA disposition for perfection and achievement. The recognition of an intrinsic capacity to grow further, stretch longer, continue harder in a strength rooted in the past that extends beyond our present and into our future. Reconfirming potential, purpose and possibility. An opportunity for thankfulness and sincere and renewed connection with Hope for the road that lies ahead.

Just a brief stop. In preparation for the next Etappe. A pause to review the game tape. Raw reflection on emotional and physical infirmity. On doubt, fears, soul bruising, and an altered sense of presence and being. An inflow of ‘energy-oxidants’, spurning the ever present whisper of optimism and determination fatigue. A roadside powernap, to refuel and re-nourish towards confidence restoration.
“Mobil station where I stand
This old gas pump in my hand………
‘Fill her up son, unleaded
I need a full tank of gas where I’m headed’ “ (Sting)


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  1. ominokie


    1. Jarka

      Thank you. Glad you enjoyed.

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