Premium Unleaded

The excitement is electric in a sporting match when a goal is kicked or crucial point or run is scored. There’s a visceral frenzy in the moment, an identity with success and optimism invested in what’s to come. Energy is recharged as the intangible manifests into reality. We believe, identify, support and confirm value in the sweat, pain, progress and ultimate end goal. Momentum is achieved, investment solidified, sweetness celebrated. There’s no guaranteed outcome to positive progress. No automatic equation for an overarching victory. There’s identification…



A northerly breeze blowing down Port Phillip Bay generally bears down bringing warmth and flat water (and plenty of pesky jet skiers); attributes that offset the shifty conditions and correlating mental strain brought to bear upon the sailor. The Southerly brings with it a colder yet more steady flow of wind and waves. In summer, it’s like an old friend, showing up at the same time each day, caressing with relative stability, predictability and forgiveness when erroneous tactical decisions are made. Westerly breezes whilst enticing the…