“The way we see the problem is the problem.” ― Stephen R. Covey There’s a horizon called Easy. It’s unconsciously locked into most people’s dream destinations. You arrive there in comfort, with minimal dis-ease, hardly breaking a sweat or spitting a cuss. It’s the ‘Granny gear’ of all utopias, easy to reach after nominal peddling, pain and gear shifting. Life there is a freewheeling downhill ride. There’s a price to pay for riding ‘Granny gear’, where the bike chain sits in it’s lowest position. Alignment is incongruous, wear…


TERMINALLY UNIQUE – Cracking the Code on Self-Worth

Trying to write a piece on a topic that sounds like a disease is complicated. It’s not exactly a draw card, eye catching or essential reading; nor would it be a hit on the Top 10 Blog charts. When the phrase in focus, ‘Terminally Unique’, offers up an oxymoron, the reader is more likely to develop interest in a burnt piece of toast than sort out the conundrum of expression. But unlike charcoal toast, there is nutritional value in unpacking the paradox. For many of the…


ALTERED TIME – Capacity in Crisis

  The twentieth ‘virus funny’ for the morning pings on my phone. Armageddon emails jam my Inbox. Conversation circles like birds of prey on the down draft, evaluating the state of play, waiting for opportunity or hint of change. House bound vistas framed by an ever- lowering ceiling, declare the faithfulness of an oblivious green canopy. Goodness beyond the pane/pain, of the COVID vortex. Blindsided we batten down hatches as the very buttresses of capitalism are battered, the security of familiarity is struck a blow and…



Three, four, five, six - drop. Three, four, five, six, seven - ouch! Six seconds to burn the match, seven seconds to scald my finger. Eight, nine, ten – drop. Ten seconds and the blazing match plummets into the waters of the toilet bowl below. With five of us under ten years old, deploying matches as an ‘after business air freshener’, or ‘smoke after stools’ strategy, could promptly be critiqued as a mother’s giant leap of faith, trust in the Old Testament tenants of punishment where…

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“Just stop digging!” Curse this frenzied journey to the centre of the earth. What secret navigational coordinates indicate a prized cache buried here? Oh, to have discovery as a hardwired, quintessential mandate. A high energy, all encompassing, thoroughly convincing and self - confident mission to love blindly, serve unconditionally, dig vociferously and destroy innocently. Envy of such single minded determination. Loving the sock, the ripped serviette, the table leg and its seriously angry owner simultaneously seems effortless. Mixed somewhere in the dried dog food, hides a…


“I sense great fear in you, Skywalker”

Questions of life loom large when you find yourself in a galaxy far, far away. Spun off into a parallel universe. “Traveling through hyperspace” certainly “ain’t like dusting crops, farm boy.” (Han Solo). People of many cultures have charted the heavens by the stars, looked for meaning, foreordination, inspiration and a sense of the divine. Overawed by cosmic magnitude; a recognition of place, and humility in the orbits of ego, and constellations of universal wonder. Cancer, Taurus, Aries or Vertigo, signs predicting future. Astrologists purporting to…

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Premium Unleaded

The excitement is electric in a sporting match when a goal is kicked or crucial point or run is scored. There’s a visceral frenzy in the moment, an identity with success and optimism invested in what’s to come. Energy is recharged as the intangible manifests into reality. We believe, identify, support and confirm value in the sweat, pain, progress and ultimate end goal. Momentum is achieved, investment solidified, sweetness celebrated. There’s no guaranteed outcome to positive progress. No automatic equation for an overarching victory. There’s identification…



Vive la Vie -  ‘Life is wonderful’ is what it says on the card my friend has sent me. Is it a challenge? Perhaps an affirmation? In any case intentional and deliberate.  It’s a statement. No room for debate. Emphatic and unreserved. There are no grey undertones. An allusion and alluring to the richness of blessing, hope and colour. Colour is “the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light”. Wonder and…


Base Camp

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary.” Henry David Thoreau There’s a hill near our place that has been provoking me, beckoning to…