Grand Monuments and Golden Arches

  Hugging the Colorado river from Boulder towards Grand Junction, it is clear this country has never done anything by half. The Colorado River has etched, poked, forced, ravaged its way through forest and desert. Creating scapes of idyllic streams, raging canyons, desolate deserts, and towering plateaus. A mighty force, unrestrained and relentless. Stretching beyond time. An unyielding creator of the past, present and future. In this semidesert land of pinyon pines, Utah junipers, Mormon’s tea, desert sage and the frustratingly all evasive Big Horn Sheep;…


Wanderlust Wonderings

(A small detour from normal entries as we explore wider horizons). Landing in Denver, it was obvious this vacation was going to be huge. So huge. Better than you can imagine huge. The best vacation ever. Just huge. Actually, it was clearly going to rock, totally rock. Boulder Colorado, Rocky Mountains, Peak to Peak (rocks), Colorado Monument (more rock), The Arches National park; even more rock. Totally rocking in the first few days. Rolling into Boulder, a university town bustling with parents and students moving all…


“I sense great fear in you, Skywalker”

Questions of life loom large when you find yourself in a galaxy far, far away. Spun off into a parallel universe. “Traveling through hyperspace” certainly “ain’t like dusting crops, farm boy.” (Han Solo). People of many cultures have charted the heavens by the stars, looked for meaning, foreordination, inspiration and a sense of the divine. Overawed by cosmic magnitude; a recognition of place, and humility in the orbits of ego, and constellations of universal wonder. Cancer, Taurus, Aries or Vertigo, signs predicting future. Astrologists purporting to…

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Premium Unleaded

The excitement is electric in a sporting match when a goal is kicked or crucial point or run is scored. There’s a visceral frenzy in the moment, an identity with success and optimism invested in what’s to come. Energy is recharged as the intangible manifests into reality. We believe, identify, support and confirm value in the sweat, pain, progress and ultimate end goal. Momentum is achieved, investment solidified, sweetness celebrated. There’s no guaranteed outcome to positive progress. No automatic equation for an overarching victory. There’s identification…



A walking group generally consists of the leader and the “whip”. Destinations are clear, expectations set, orientation established and navigation routes devised. (Crutches obviously ditched!). There’s a confident sense of excitement, underpinned with a tentative curiosity and introspection as to the trail, its requirements, and one’s own capacity to meet the demands of the territory, distance and pace. The steady rhythm of footsteps settle like a metronome, shuffling between andantino and allegro, while kilometres are clocked and collective identity shared and shaped. Stories are traded, souls…



Vive la Vie -  ‘Life is wonderful’ is what it says on the card my friend has sent me. Is it a challenge? Perhaps an affirmation? In any case intentional and deliberate.  It’s a statement. No room for debate. Emphatic and unreserved. There are no grey undertones. An allusion and alluring to the richness of blessing, hope and colour. Colour is “the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light”. Wonder and…


Base Camp

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary.” Henry David Thoreau There’s a hill near our place that has been provoking me, beckoning to…


Are We There Yet?

The Enneagram personality type Seven is summarized as ‘The Enthusiast’. Attributing characteristics such as busy, fun-loving, curious, optimistic, and adventurous to the individual. ‘Sevens’ are excited by the rush of ideas; generally quick responders with agile minds and often able to see the big picture. There is an underpinning abundant vitality and desire to fully participate in life each day. Or, for a more creative explanation: ‘An ant carrying a larger than life bread crumb; scrambling, overcoming obstacles, challenging reality and LOVING IT, looking for still…



A northerly breeze blowing down Port Phillip Bay generally bears down bringing warmth and flat water (and plenty of pesky jet skiers); attributes that offset the shifty conditions and correlating mental strain brought to bear upon the sailor. The Southerly brings with it a colder yet more steady flow of wind and waves. In summer, it’s like an old friend, showing up at the same time each day, caressing with relative stability, predictability and forgiveness when erroneous tactical decisions are made. Westerly breezes whilst enticing the…


Dem Bones, Dat Brain

  Positive energy is infectious. My Physiotherapist is an expert in this area. I find myself increasingly interested in all manner of anatomical and musculoskeletal theories, practices and developments due to his effervescent imparting of knowledge on what goes far beyond just the general treatment of my uncooperative body. The ‘structural’ secret to my recovery lies within a muscular web which both pains me and sustains me. It’s my adductor longis which doesn’t want to yield. The gracilis and pectinius are all “on guard” after the…